Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Let's Get Down to Business

It is day four for Area VI here at NAJYRC and things around the barn are steadily picking up speed. Brynn and Natalie had great dressage schools with Dayna this morning, possibly due to how comfortable their horses were in their brand new Professional's Choice boots. After the girls' rode we finished up chores at the horse park, then headed off on a little adventure. 

Brynn and Michael modeling their Professional's Choice boots

Our team Chef Laura Powell arranged yet another awesome tour for us--today's tour was at Ashford Stud Farm, one of Kentucky's best breeding farms for thoroughbred race horses. An Australian worker Pyane from the farm gave us a great tour, showing us all around the beautiful property and introducing us to their very handsome--and surprisingly friendly stallions. Ashford ships their stallions all around the Southern Hemisphere to breed. Is was really interesting to gain some more insight into the racing culture that Kentucky is so famous for. 

After our tour we returned to the horse park and jogged Michael and Casey once more for team vet Laura, and not surprisingly they are both feeling great. In barn checks were also flawless. The horses are both eating and drinking well and are ready to go for for gold! Us girls then got to enjoy some quiet time while the ponies grazed before we prepped for this evening's activities. Ainsleigh had a brief meeting with head of the mentor program Vicki, and got acquainted with the other mentorees. After receiving her mentor ship program shirts and getting the run down on how the rest of the week will play out, the entire Area VI crew headed over to the highly educational competitor meeting, followed by our grand entrance with our Area VI banner in the Rolex stadium. We quickly ran to our golf cart Bob, and commenced in a race with with trainer Dayna Lynd Pugh, which really let our team's competitive spirits shine. Unfortunately it resulted in Brynn rear-ending Queen Dayna, but lucky for us neither Bob nor the other golf cart was harmed. 

Spycoast stables hosted a fabulous dinner for the competitors and their teams, equipped with a bouncy house, mechanical bull, a DJ, and of course great food. It was super fun getting to know people from all different areas and disciplines. We had quite the dance party going, but sadly our moves did not live up to those of Area V, who is actually stabled in our barn isle. After dinner we completed our final barn chores for the day, and have headed back to the house for some well deserved rest. 

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